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Myth Busting

‘Eat less, move more’ — is weight loss that simple?

Tamara Willner
Written by

Tamara Willner

Medically reviewed by

Fiona Moncrieff

7 min read
Last updated March 2025

Myth: ‘Eating less and moving more is the best way to lose weight.’

‘Eat less, move more’ is often thought of as the foundation of weight loss. It sounds straightforward and manageable. Unfortunately, weight loss is a bit more complicated than that.

Many factors can influence weight loss, such as your genetics, food environment, exercise levels, whether you have any underlying medical conditions, psychological health, and nutrition education.

So, this guide will bust the myth that the ‘eat less, move more’ is the approach to losing weight and unpacks the real science of weight loss.

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What is ‘eat less, move more’?

The basic idea behind ‘eat less, move more’ is that body fat is purely a result of excess energy. By this theory, we will lose weight if we take in less energy than we’re using up. Eating fewer calories than we’re using up is called being in a calorie deficit.

From a biological point of view, it makes sense that if we have more energy than we need, our bodies will store that energy. The excess energy is stored as glycogen in your muscles or fat.

This idea assumes that all calories are digested the same way and have similar effects on our body. However, this is not the case.

Proteins (e.g. eggs or chicken) and fats (e.g. avocado or olive oil) do not have a big effect on our blood glucose levels, whereas carbohydrates (e.g. bread or pasta) do.

Eating excessive amounts of carbs increases our blood glucose levels and causes insulin spikes. Insulin is one of the main hormones controlling our blood sugar levels and promoting fat storage.

Key Points:

  • Eating less and moving more means restricting your calories and exercising more.
  • This approach to weight loss is based on the idea that body fat is excess energy and all calories have equal health benefits.

Does eating less and moving more work?

Evidence suggests that following a calorie-restricted diet results in some weight loss in the short term.

One study demonstrated that putting participants into a calorie deficit for eight weeks resulted in weight loss. This effect was seen regardless of whether participants were placed on a low-fat or low-carbohydrate diet.

However, this study was only eight weeks long, and the participants’ diet was carefully controlled. In real life, achieving and maintaining a calorie deficit is very complicated and time-consuming.

In a slightly longer study that lasted six months, a low-carb diet resulted in more weight loss than a low-fat, calorie-restricted diet.

The low-carb group were allowed unlimited meat, eggs, and dairy products, all relatively high-calorie foods.

Infographic showing the effect of a low-carb diet vs a low-fat diet.

There are a few potential explanations for the results of this study. Some evidence suggests that when we dramatically restrict our food intake, our bodies have an evolutionary response of increasing the hormones responsible for appetite. This makes us feel hungrier and increases the chances of us eating more.

Another potential explanation is that the participants’ mindset and environment influenced their food choices.

If we’re feeling deprived and restricted (e.g. on a low-calorie diet), we’re much more likely to lose motivation and be influenced by foods in our environment.

Often if we feel hungry and deny certain foods, we will most likely accept a doughnut when offered one.

This highlights that weight loss is as simple as ‘eat less and move more’ and doesn’t account for mindset or environment influencing food choices.

Participants in this study were given regular dietary advice, possibly more reflective of dieting in the real world rather than in a clinical setting.

By the end of the study, fewer participants in the low-carb group dropped out compared with the calorie-restricted group. This suggests that the low-carb diet was easier to stick to.

Key points:

  • Eating less and moving more (i.e. achieving a calorie deficit) is effective for weight loss in the short term.
  • In the long term, low-calorie diets are difficult to stick to and might leave you feeling hungry.
  • ‘Eating less, move more’ implies that weight loss is solely about diet and exercise, but ignores the importance of mindset and environment influencing food choices.

Is it healthy to simply ‘eat less, move more’?

Even if you are looking for a short-term fix and want to restrict your calories, is that approach healthy?

Evidence suggests that dramatically restricting your calorie intake doesn’t account for the fact that not all calories provide equal health benefits and can foster an unhealthy relationship with food.

Not all calories are equal

The evidence suggests that not all calories are the same and shouldn’t be considered equal energy sources.

To illustrate, 500 calories of sweets and biscuits don’t provide the same nutritional benefit as 500 calories of chicken and vegetables.

Eating too many refined carbohydrates, for example, can lead to high blood sugar and promote fat storage. In the short term, blood sugar spikes can leave you low on energy and increase your cravings for sugary foods.

In the long term, consistently high blood sugar levels can lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

On top of this, protein and fat are digested more slowly than carbs, which leaves us feeling fuller for longer. This reduces the chances of snacking and feeling hungry or deprived.

Examples of refined carbohydrates include white bread, white rice, and cakes. It’s not necessary to eliminate carbs, but reducing your carb intake and choosing high-fibre, complex carbs when you eat them can help with weight loss.

Examples of high-fibre, complex carbs include oats, sweet potato, and quinoa. A good practical tip is to have one carb-free meal daily. Trying a new low-carb recipe each week is a simple, fun way to achieve this goal.

Key points:

  • Not all calories provide equal health benefits.
  • Eating too many refined carbohydrates can leave you feeling low on energy, increase cravings, and lead to insulin resistance in the long-term.

An unhealthy relationship with food

Obsessing over calorie counting can harbour an unhealthy relationship with food.

Seeing food merely as ‘calories’ can make us lose touch with our natural hunger and fullness cues, as we are too focused on the numbers. This leads to us eating less mindfully.

Mindful eating is an essential tool to help us become more aware of what we’re eating, how much we’re eating, and why we’re eating it.

In the long run, this can help us control our portion sizes and caloric intake and stay in tune with our body’s needs.

To practice mindful eating, try eating without distractions (e.g. away from the tv), engaging all your senses while you eat, and taking the time to eat slowly.

Usually, people find that they need to eat less when they are in tune with their natural hunger signals.

Focusing on restricting calories can also take all the enjoyment out of food. Worrying about numbers instead of enjoying a meal out with friends can become tiresome and unenjoyable. Food is meant to be enjoyed as well as to fuel our bodies.

On top of this, if we’re experiencing more cravings for junk food and feeling hungry, we will likely not stick to our plan, leading to weight gain.

Restricting calories can lead to guilt associated with going over your ‘calorie intake’ for a particular day. Guilt is one of the main reasons people get stuck in an unhealthy cycle of binge behaviours.

Key points:

  • Calorie-counting makes us lose touch with our natural hunger cues and can foster an unhealthy relationship with food.
  • Obsessing over numbers leads to us eating less mindfully and takes all the enjoyment out of food.

Does moving more lead to weight loss?

The ‘eat less, move more’ model suggests that the benefit of exercise is that it uses up calories and helps you achieve a calorie deficit.

Physical activity doesn’t inherently lead to weight loss, but certain types of exercise can aid weight loss.

From a practical perspective, it would take an extremely long time to use up the calories from the foods we eat by exercising.

For example, a normal-sized Cadbury’s dairy milk chocolate bar contains 240 calories.

For an average cardio workout in the gym, it could take 30 mins – 2 hours to use up this many calories, depending on your size and the type of exercise you are doing.

This highlights the impracticality of suggesting that we should exercise more to achieve a calorie deficit.

However, evidence suggests that high-intensity exercise promotes fat loss. One study controlled the participants’ diets and split them into high-intensity or moderate-intensity exercise groups.

The high-intensity group completed short bursts of exercise, whereas the moderate-intensity did longer, steady exercise sessions.

Infographic explaining a trial that demonstrated that HIIT exercise was the most effective for weight loss and insulin sensitivity.

Results indicated that the shorter and high-intensity exercise sessions resulted in more fat loss.

The researchers suggested that high-intensity exercise positively impacts certain stress hormones released by the kidney that accelerate fat oxidation.

Having said that, finding the time to exercise is significant. Any form of exercise is beneficial for several reasons, including improved blood sugar control, mental health, and heart health.

Key points:

  • Moving more doesn’t inherently lead to weight loss
  • Short bursts of high-intensity exercise can promote fat loss more than moderate-intensity exercise.
  • All types of exercise are beneficial for your overall health.

Take home message

  • The ‘eat less, move more’ model suggests that if we simply take in less energy than we’re using, we will lose weight.
  • This model does not account for the influence of mindset and environment on food choices and focuses primarily on willpower.
  • Achieving a calorie deficit might work in the short term, but it’s challenging to stick to in the long term, and our bodies can respond by increasing our appetite.
  • Not all calories provide equal health benefits.
  • Refined carbohydrates can make us feel low on energy and spike our blood sugar, whereas proteins and fats leave us fuller for longer.
  • Any exercise benefits our overall health, but exercise doesn’t inherently lead to weight loss.

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Write a response

Tim Burton

18 December, 2024

I agree with Cabot below. What a lot of tosh! Full of questionable assumptions – eg about craving ‘junk food’. Just keep away from the stuff. I have just lost 4kg in less than three months (73kg to 69kg) simply by eating less and exercising more. No calorie counting, no special focus on special foods and certainly no spending on anyone’s product. The key is to identify mild feelings of hunger as something broadly positive and detach them from self-talk such as ‘I must – I absolutely must – eat something’ (Thank you, REBT therapist Albert Ellis!)

Once I hit 68kg I’ll end the diet and just eat modestly but well from there on. To suggest that I’ll then drift back to a higher weight is nonsense. Staying slim (rather than dieting) just takes a modest amount of willpower.


31 July, 2024

This article is flawed. First of all, it assumes “eat less, move more” is about creating a calorie deficit. It is not. The idea comes from the fact that most Americans are in a high calorie SURPLUS. If this is the case, eating less is critical. Moving more is necessary to keep the body healthy – especially through a period of weight loss. Secondly, anybody who says one program is flawed, use our product instead is almost always bending the truth. You want good advice? All your doctors.


12 June, 2021

Thank you for this article.
I found it interesting. Explanation around calorie deficit Vs low carb diet was useful to me.
This article has helped me reflect on my experience of dieting and my perceived failures with it. In a way, this was a very forgiving article as well as practical and useful.
Explanations were given simply and reiterated well to drive home the main points.
Thank you again.

Eileen Clarke

12 June, 2021

Very interesting.


23 April, 2021

Learned a lot about insulin and it’s effects on the body, because of the article’s brevity on the subject.


18 April, 2021

Can this program be used while getting set breakfast & lunch meals from Light & Easy?
I do little cooking and find the light & easy convenient, however cheat


6 July, 2020

I am a woman over 50 and need to lose a lot of weight (-40kg)

Amy Groome

7 September, 2020

Hi Angelique, Second Nature is designed to help you develop long term and sustainable lifestyle changes which will help you to lose weight sustainably. People on the programme have a wide range of weight-loss goals. To find out more, take our health quiz here

Siahara Shyne Carter

1 May, 2020

Eat less increases your Life Span! I eat my breakfast and Snack in the Afternoon and eat little in night Thats also the way to stay fit in the middle age

Wendy Compson

10 February, 2020

This made interesting reading. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

Mal Arnold

16 January, 2020

Well explained. Used to do a 10min HITT 3-4 times a week on an exercise bike, and it was very effective. The bike broke sadly. Joined a gym to try and keep going, and did a spin class, but I hate gyms, apart from the circuit training class, which operates on similar principle I think. I intend to start that next week after a 3 mth break in which I gained 10lbs

Joy rattan

15 January, 2020

Very interesting and I certainly agree with the conclusions. The Second Nature plan is closer to a normal healthy diet, but works as well and in the long term better than those that leave you feeling deprived and therefore less likely to continue.

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